Thursday, September 25, 2014

Custom antibodies were used to study SKPO-1

Custom peptide antibodies were provided by LifeTein to study SKPO-1. The SKPO-1 peroxidase domain peptide was synthesized by LifeTein. The polyclonal antibodies were raised in rabbits and then affinity purified to accomplish high specifications and concentrations. The antibodies were successfully used to localize the SKPO-1 protein in hypodermis. It was found that the peroxidase SKPO-1 contributes to the host immune response during infection.

Synthetic peptides used for identification of SOX-CAL binding site

Synthetic peptide from LifeTein were used to identify the SOX-CAL binding site. Long peptides including helix 1 of the HMG domain were synthesized by LifeTein. The peptides were used to examine the interaction of CaM with the CaM-binding domain of SOX9 (SOX-CAL). The researcher found two binding sites: the well-know high-affinity CaM binding site, and a lower-affinity binding site.

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Published in Nature

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